
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Corporate Schmorporate

“By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.” -Robert Frost

Friday, October 25, 2013


Do you ever find yourself completely revolutionized by something that is so obvious or common sense? Your ah-ha moment, as Oprah coined the phrase.

I was listening to the Fizzle Show podcast by Corbett Barr, Chase Reeves, and Caleb Wojcik this morning. The topic of today's cast was is it too late? The one thing that really resonated with me was, and I quote, "It's never too late to care about something and put in the work to help other people. It's never too late to show the world you care about that thing."

I've always believed if you do work you love, everything else will fall into place. The giant BUT here, however, is just because you do work you love, doesn't mean success will happen overnight. You must realize there are no shortcuts. Those overnight successes you've heard about, they spent 4-5+ years doing what they love before they made it big, you just didn't know about it. Be present and do the work.

Next, you should define what success means to you? I'd like to think it's much deeper than make millions of dollars. If you're truly doing what you care about, your success will be defined by the impact you make. Change starts with one person connecting to another person of similar values; who then seek out other like minded people, who then join forces to spread their message and ultimately change the world. Care about it and start small.

We must stop looking at life as a destination and start looking at is as a journey. It's meant to be explored and enjoyed! Life should be fun! I'm not saying we'll never face obstacles or difficulties, but through obstacles and difficulties comes growth and learning. Education is a life long process. We will never know it all. Find those things that scare and excite you, then go out and conquer them one at a time. Become the expert and share the knowledge.

Above all else, be authentic to yourself and others. The world could use a whole lot more authentic up in here! We have enough want-to-be's with reality shows only in it for themselves out there. Grab your trenchcoat and let's go expose ourselves!

"When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!” - Unknown"

Monday, October 21, 2013

Embrace your Inner Wayne

I think we can all agree John Wayne is a legend; and although fictional, Bruce Wayne is a legend too.

Both stood for what is good and right in the world. True American heros.

Today, let's embrace our inner Waynes, whether it's donning a ten gallon hat, or slipping into thick, black tights and a cape(whatever trips your trigger and gets you in the spirit). Next ask yourself, "If I was Batman, how would I change the world today? What can I accomplish?"

For me, I recently enrolled in Scott Dinsmore's Live Off Your Passion course. If you haven't seen Scott's TedX talk or his interview with Jonathan Fields, I highly recommend you watch one or both.

Scott's passion and enthusiasm are obvious in everything he does. His mission is to help others identify their passion(s), make a living from it, and change the world in the process. How cool is that?! He also has an uber contagious smile. But then again, how can you help but smile when you are doing work you love, right?

Whether you enroll in Scott's class yourself, or just take some time to reflect, I encourage you to ask yourself, "Am I doing work I love? Am I making a difference?" Be honest.
If the answer is no, the next question should be, "Why not?"

Today's quote is from another legendary Wayne, The Great One:

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. –Wayne Gretzky

What shot are you taking today?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mark Twain

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Monday, October 14, 2013

With Abandon

This screen is white,
the sky is grey.
Melancholy or joy to start my day.

I choose joy, namaste.

I had a few observations over the weekend.  The first being how freely children love. 

I know this probably seems obvious, but I"m referring to more than your own children or nieces and nephews.  I assist in my sons' class at church.  We have a group of kids that walk over from the apartments across the street.  The age group we're dealing with is 1st-5th grade.  Some of these kids are a little rambunctious, maybe even a little rough around the edges.  That being said, once they realize you're there to teach and encourage them, they work hard to keep your approval and the praise coming.  They draw pictures for you.  They want your feedback on what they're doing.  They look forward to seeing you the next week.  They run up and hug you.  The great big bear kind.  One of the boys said to my son, "That is so cool your mom works in your class".  It made me feel good, but more importantly it made me think.  Children love us so easily and freely.  With abandon.  How is it we lose this as adults?  I wish unconditional love for everyone I come in contact with today.  Love begets more love.

My second observation was at the park yesterday.  I was swinging.  I love to swing.  I should do it more often.  As I was swinging, I couldn't help but smile.  I could see all the kids running around, sliding, laughing, chasing, swinging.  With abandon.  No worries, no cares.  I thought everyday should feel this way.  In that moment, I was connected with every child on the playground.  And in that connection, I was free.  Free to be me. 

Today let's...

Stay in the moment.  "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."  Matthew 6:34. 

Love each other and love what we do.

Be joyful.

Be authentic.

Be grateful.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

When the Levee Breaks

The universe if a funny beast.

I'll skip all the boring details and get to the point.  The last 6 months for me have been introspective.  I've been praying a lot and asking God, "Where are you directing me?"  You know, it's hard to discern His voice from all the others chattering in my head. 

Well, this wasn't a lightning strike; and the ah-ha was more gradual, like water slowly seeping into a sponge.  You see, over the years, I've often thought to myself, "I wish someone had told me I could do or be anything when I was younger; or let me know I could take the road less traveled".  Then maybe I wouldn't be working in Corporate America feeling like everyday was Ground Hog's Day.  And that's when it hit me, or more accurately, crept up on me.  I can be that person.  I can tell kids, "You should be an artist or a lion tamer or an astronaut!" 

Then this morning while getting coffee, a friend at work tells me her younger brother is taking a break from college.  He's going to spend the next 6 months with their family in Venezuela.  In school, he was studying engineering, but she believes his heart is in dance.  He is just afraid of disappointing his parents.  This was affirmation. 

Today, there is a deparate need to break the cycle of go to college to get a job that pays lots of money but side note you'll hate it because that's just what you're supposed to do.  And guess what, that college degree you worked so hard for, ya everyone has one, so now you need your Masters, maybe even a PhD.  All that to work for a corporation that provides on the job training that anyone with a little common sense could do.  By the way, you took out student loans for all this right?

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not against higher education.  What I am against is our industrialized, institutional way of teaching, our mass production of thought, and the complete disregard of the individual and their unique abilities. 

To paraphrase Sir Ken Robinson, "our educational system needs a revolution not a reform".  Education should be personal, exciting, and fun no matter what stage of life you're in.  We as parents should encourage our child's interests.  If you do what you love, everything else will fall into place.  Success, money, quality of life.

Please let's not put another bandaid on the leak in the damn.  Eventually, it will break. 

Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart.
– Ancient Indian Proverb

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oklahoma Autumn

Leaves dance crisply down the street;
Oklahoma Autumn at my feet.

In the trees and on the ground,
orange, yellow, red are found.

Birds are singing time to go,
Before the cool turns into snow.

Skies shine blue with sunshine bows.
Clouds like smoke signals take a stroll.

Children's cheeks are pink from play.
Oklahoma Autumn, my kind of day.

-Angela Tarrant