
Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Tale of Two Gritties

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

Grit defined means firmness of character; indominitable spirit.  My darling husband and I are blessed with grit.  This can be good or bad, as you have two forces either working together or opposing one another.  Either way dynamite is how I would describe it.  Or as Jimmie Walker would say, "Dyno-mite!"

Well, I'm pretty confident my husband thinks I'm losing my mind.  We have friends who may be stationed overseas next year.  I think we should do some research, and if feasible, join them.  It's only for a few years and it would give our children an international experience.  How amazing would that be?!!?! 

Anyway, I've been talking a lot about living a nonconventional life, finding what really gets us excited, and at the same time helping others.  The career path I chose was by default and not design.  Now at the ripe young age of 36, I'm ready to design my future.  I think all my talk is scaring him.  That I'm not happy with my life.  But in fact, its actually the opposite.  I am incredibly blessed with an amazing family, who I wouldn't trade for all the tea in China.  This amazing family is what sparked my desire for unconventionality.  Not to regurgitate, but I want to live passionately for my children, so they see first hand all things are possible. 

Is that so much to ask?  Slowly but surely, I'm learning to give it to God and let go.

Today's quote:  2 Corinthians 5:7-"For we live by faith, not by sight".

Today's assignment:  Be faithful; and if you catch yourself worrying, or in doubt, simply say, 
"I trust you, Jesus."