
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Distance

"Reluctantly crouched at the starting line,
 Engines pumping and thumping in time.
 The green light flashes, the flags goes up,
 Churning and burning, they yern for the cup."

If you know this song, your head immediately starts bobbing to the beat.  Mean bass line. 

I digress.

Today, I want to talk about goals and goal setting.  I want you to think of 3-4 goals, dreams even.  The bigger the better.  It's important to be specific.  They should be measurable.  For example, I want to be rich is too broad.  I want to be a world famous chef or best selling author is measurable.  Once you establish your goals, think of an action for each goal, that will get you even the slightest bit closer. For example, contact Paula Dean or Emeril Lagasse with questions that will provide insight, take a cooking class, or plan a dinner where you cook for your friends & family once a week.  Whatever it is, the point is to do something.  There should be some sort of action taken, no matter how slight. 

Maybe you'll discover you don't want to be a world famous chef after all.  Oh well!  The important thing is you did something!  You know what you don't want to be, so what's next?!  Goal no. 1 is off the list.  What was no. 2?  Add an extra goal to your list if you scratched one off.  Make it fun.  Turn it into a game. 

The game of LIFE.  We all played it as kids.  Difference is, in this game, you have the ability to really make things happen! 

So, I'll share one of my goals.  It may seem like a small one, but here it goes.  I want to become a DIY-er(Do It Yourself).  A good one.  I have a few gift ideas for the holidays.  I know what I need.  Now, all I need to do is get started.  I may try my hand at a little furniture refinishing next.  The moral of the story is take the first step.  Meister Eckhart(German writer and theologian) said, "The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake."  Go make mistakes.  Mistakes lead to knowledge.  Knowledge leads to wisdom.  Wisdom eventually leads to success.  If you don't believe me, try it and report back.  Either way, I win.

Today's quote:  Yesterday is a cancelled check.  Tomorrow is a promissory note.  Today is the only cash you have, so spend it wisely. -Kay Lyons

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I Am A Promise

"I am a promise.  I am a possibility.  I am a promise with a Capital P.  I am a great big bundle of potentuality!!"

I sang this song in church growing up.  I would belt it out!  It has more meaning for me now than it did back then. 

From the song <i><b>"High"</b></i> by James Blunt:

Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.
There is nothing else in the world,
I'd rathe...

Today is about affirmation.  Time to squelch those negative thoughts that pop up when we think or hear positive statements about ourselves.  You know it's funny (not funny ha ha) how easy it is to believe the negative; and how hard it is to believe the positive.

I want you to do this exercise: recall the people and times, you and your creativity, were wished well.  Write them down.  Try to remember specific compliments or encouragement recieved.  You'll be amazed at your response.  Your confidence level will rise.  You'll automatically smile.  You feel better!  You are becoming the little engine that could.

Now, I want you to come up with a personal affirmation.   A couple I read and liked  in The Artist's Way are, "My creativity heals myself and others".  Or, "My dreams come from God and God has the power to accomplish them."  Whatever you come up with, repeat it often.  Say it every morning in the mirror after you brush your teeth.  If a negative pops up, turn it into a positive.  We are our own worst enemy.  Don't hold yourself back.  Instead, propel yourself forward.  You.  Are.  Unstoppable.

And I have faith in you.

Today's quote: An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so. -Shakti Gawain

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Many A New Day

Meditation und Stille fernab vom allgemeinen Stress der heutigen Zeit!
...a stressless time for all :)

I've been doing a lot of reading and a lot of praying lately.  More so than normal.

Monday I woke up refreshed and content.  Now you must understand, I view Monday mornings with the same enthusiasm as I would view getting a root canal. 

But today.  Today, I am grateful and at peace.  I am exactly where God wants me to be.

So, what has changed? 

Me.  I know God has a plan for me.  I know I must trust Him.  The more I try to figure it out myself, the less I know.  God wants us to rely on him.  Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." 

That being said, I am still taking baby steps toward my goals.  Last weekend, we cleaned out the boys' room.  One bag of trash (random toy parts) and two bags of clothes (that don't fit) later, we left feeling good about our progress.  I took pictures of the recliner we want to sell.  I just need to post it; and I'll continue to take inventory of things we just don't need , which we will sell to pay off our debt.  Feels good!

Side bar.  I follow Joshua Becker's blog, Becoming Minimalist.  He gives great advice, he's not extreme, and I like the way he writes.  For the next 10 days, he is selling his book, Simplify for just $0.99.  I think it's worth your time and your dime to check it out. 

Now let me ask you, what steps are you taking to move toward your goals or passion? 

If you're not stepping, what's holding you back?

Today's quote, "Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself." -James Allen